This is the homepage for the Asperger's Support Group
in Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Below you may choose your state.
If you know of a support group not listed please
 contact me .

I started a Parent Support Group in Mt. Vernon, Ohio.
With the help from our Psychologist.
We did not have a support group in our small
community.  I asked the Doctor if he would facilitate
for me to find interested parents.
It has turned out to be fun and interesting.
Mostly we sit and talk about any problems we are having.
Sometimes we will have a guest speaker
on a subject related to Asperger's.

Through my readings, I have learned that Asperger's
usually afflicts boys.
The group consists of about twelve couples.
In the whole group, my husband and I are the only parents
with a girl that has Asperger's.

The children range from age 10 to age 17.
That is nice because you can get a feel
for what is to come with age.
My daughter is 12.
The oldest in the group is trying to get his driver license.
This was interesting and the parents
have a good sense of humor.
This made the story funny as well.

If you are in the area and would like to attend
some of the meetings
please e-mail me at the link below.

Thank you for your interest in the group.

The parent contacts for each state  gave me
permission to publish their name on the WWW.
These parents were kind enough to offer support
to anyone who is in need.  I included parents in
an effort to bring together a few people who may
have never met otherwise.  If you are a parent of
a child with AS, PDD, or Autism e-mail me.
I would be glad to add you to the parent contacts.