I created this page due to the large amount of interest
in the psychotic features that we have experienced with
Mary Kay's AS.

The one that stands out the most is she talks to herself
and makes odd faces as she talks.  It seems as if she is
actually talking to "someone".   She also talks to objects
and to herself in the mirror.
The conversations are two sided.
 We are working on reducing this behavior.
With a simple verbal reminder I say
"Mary Kay we don't talk to ourselves."  She also laughs
to herself a lot.

Her imagination is very odd.  She thinks people are
in her closet.   She thinks the clouds in the
sky have eyes and can see her.
She makes up words, one of which is "keeker".
She will say this when questioned with
what she ate for lunch, dinner, ect...
The other word is "wesser".  From her
description he is a man who wears all
black and is the source to her bad behavior.
The docs say that she knows the difference
between real and not real.  In their opinion
she does not actually believe these things are
true or exist.  That is the reason they ruled
out childhood schizophrenia.

I am reading Asperger's Syndrome by
Tony Attwood for the first time.  I wanted to
include this quote.  I found it very important
and fits what I am seeing at this age right now.(12)
It certainly has some relevance to the paragraph

"During adolescence, the person may retreat into their
own inner world, taking to themselves and losing interest
in social contact and personal hygiene.
 There may be a suspicion that they are developing
schizophrenia, but careful examination reveals their behavior is not
psychotic, but an understandable reaction
to Asperger's Syndrome during adolescence."

I can't tell you how that "hit home".
Recently Mary Kay had came to me crying to
"please make the voices stop".
I took her to our psychologist.  He did mention
schizophrenia to me.  Which as you read from the
above has not been the first time I have heard the
word schizophrenia.  At this point he is not sure
as to what we are seeing.  He has been seeing Mary
Kay for 8 years and I truly trust his professional
opinion.  Due to the lack of progress with her disorder
we have changed medicines, once again.  She is now
taking Zyprexa 2.5mg twice daily.

I have a fake plant behind her bed.
It has been there for 2 years.  She was crying in her
room.  I went in to ask what the problem was.
She replied that "the plant was talking to her."

The most memorable was the time she was having
"leg pain".  One night out of the clear blue sky
she started screaming and verbalizing profanities.
 I went into her room to ask what the problem was.
 She said that her legs hurt.  (when I said screaming
I mean screaming, the neighbors could hear her)
I gave her some Tylenol.  This did not help
the screaming went on until 5:ooa.m.
Then she went to sleep.  I just chalked it up as
something odd or maybe growing pains.
(she was about 9 years old)  Next, night
same thing.  I took her to the psychologist.  He told me she
was experiencing a type of Dissociative Disorder.
Mary Kay told me that it was the medicine
causing her legs to hurt.  The med at the time was Moban.
 Both psychologist and psychiatrists said that
was impossible.  We went on like this for 2 months.
 Finally, I said to my husband
she takes the medicine at bedtime
and that is when the pain starts.
 She was fine all through the daylight hours.  At this
point I was willing to try anything
to end our night terrors.
I took her to the psychiatrist the next day
and requested he change the medicine.
He said that he would but it would
not help since it was not the medicine
that was causing the problem.  We changed
the med to Risperdal.
 I can't tell you if it was the medicine or
Dissociative Disorder all I can tell you is
the screaming stopped.  We could
finally resume our normal sleep patterns.

Through my experiences and readings I have found that
psychotic features are rare among Asperger's cases.
If your son or daughter has Asperger's and experiences
psychotic symptoms please E-Mail Me . I would enjoy
sharing stories.

This site was last updated on 8-09-99