Mary Kay's biological mother has
had no contact with her for 14 years.
I don't like to talk about this subject.  I feel
that she is not worth my energy.
 However, I thought it important for
you the reader to know.  I can not begin to fathom how
a mother could abandon their child.
Different or not, god gave you a child, the most
precious gift he could ever give.

I met Mary Kay when she was five years old.
Before I had met her my future husband had
told me that she had ADHD.  He explained that
she was a "handful".

My first encounter with Mary Kay, I noticed
that all day she would sing and rock on the couch.
She spoke in a very high and monotone voice.
A voice that would pierce your ears.

I had never heard of ADHD so I went to the library
and began some research on the subject.
Some criteria  matched with what I was seeing.
I had my doubts that this was the proper diagnosis.

I decided to redecorate her room.  I changed the color
scheme and furniture.
Upon seeing the change she began to cry.  Then she
started ripping down the curtains in a violent rampage.
I finally got her to settle down.  She accepted the change.
Which really amazes me considering what I know now.

I would observe Mary Kay when she would play with
her toys.  She would line them up on the coffee table and
just stare at them.  They would always be arranged in the
SAME way.  I tried to show her how to play with the toys
but she did not respond.  She would just pick them up
put them back in their place, sit on the couch, rock and stare
at the toys.

The time came when the school was very concerned with
Mary Kay's behavior.  She would exhibit odd behavior at
school.  Often in her own world.
She would masturbate in the classroom.
Talk about being in love with men.  At the time
Jeffrey Dahmer was her fixation.  The school wanted her to
go to Ohio State University and get some extended testing.
Her biological mother failed to keep the appointment.
I decided then and there that I would have to step in and
do everything I could to help Mary Kay.

My husband and I got her a place at Harding Hospital.
Very reputable institution.  Mary Kay stayed a week at the
hospital.  The day of the diagnosis finally came.  I couldn't
wait to talk with the doctors and here what they had concluded.
 Asperger's Syndrome was the diagnosis.  I began to read the criteria
hand out.  I could identify with every
characteristic on the page. FINALLY,
we had the right diagnosis.

Mary Kay was released from the hospital.  She was put
on the medication Mellaril.
Mary Kay has psychotic features related to her AS.
This is rare and is what makes her case so different.
By no means am I implying that psychotic features will
be present in every case of AS.
 I have been contacted by others who have
had the same experiences.

Due to enormous amounts of e-mail interested in
the psychotic features, I have added a page
providing more information on her psychotic
symptoms.  Click Here to see the new addition to
the site.

Mellaril is a anti psychotic medicine.  We were given
the instructions to implement a Behavior Modification Program .
Which would be used at school and at home.
This program turned out to be very successful for us.
We had to make some medicine changes to find the
medicine that was right for Mary Kay.  You can view
a of lists of medications we have tried.

I would like to reflect on how far Mary Kay has come
since meeting her.  She no longer needs the Behavior
Modification Program.  She can be redirected with a
simple verbal reminder.  Recently, she won a D.A.R.E.
essay contest.  She had the best essay out of her class.
She was invited to read her essay to the school board
and was on T.V.  The essay will be submitted for state

Mary Kay has obsessions, I would like to include these for
other parents to read:

*Severe Weather(lightning,tornadoes,ect...)
*Pasta Foods(she does eat others but you will
will HEAR about it)
*Beanie Babies
*Wedding Gowns

Mary Kay still takes medicine and still goes to therapy.
She has many problems with social skills at school.  Please
read a letter that she wrote on 5-22-99.  It is one of the most
heartbreaking letters I have ever read. Click Here to read the
letter.  She has come such a long way.  This would have
never been possible without the proper diagnosis, medicine
and therapy.

In closing, I would like to say please don't give up on
these children.  They can LEARN the skills that are required
to be functional in society.
The most important thing is to start implementing interventions
as soon as possible.

I had to include the picture of the lightning.  Maybe someday
Mary Kay will be a storm chaser.  This is for you Mary Kay,
I love you!!!!!!

Thank you for reading our story.  If you have questions or
would like to share stories please feel free to Contact Me .